C. "Chase" Carey - Your Concierge Broker
The CAREY Bear
C 404.906.5490 ~ EM ChaseCarey@CareyBenefits.com
fyi: TRAVEL insurance at the bottom!
Individual/Family Health Polices
We Are Always Here for You!
Individual/Family Medical Policies
1. ACA FULL MEDICAL PLANS Including Premium Subsidies
(NO medical underwriting and NO pre-existing exclusions - premium may be offset by Federal Subsidy)
For ANTHEM/BCBSGA medical and dental quote simply click on the carrier logo to the left and you can run a quote.
For KAISER PERMANENTE, medical quote simply click on the carrier logo on the left and you can run a quote.
(Subject to medical underwriting and contain pre-existing exclusions - but often much less expensive
For UNITED HEALTHCARE Short Term Medical, Dental, and/or Vision Polices, simply click on the carrier name and you can run a quote.
3. For Great Travel insurance click on the TokioMarine/HCC logo on the left and you can run a quote.