C. "Chase" Carey - Your Concierge Broker
The CAREY Bear
C 404.906.5490 ~ EM ChaseCarey@CareyBenefits.com
COVID-19 Resource Page
The COVID-19 challenge which many of us are facing includes an ever evolving landscape which can cause fear over uncertainty. This page includes resources from Anthem/BCBSGA and the CDC's. Take time to look at each of these items/links and share them with your spouses:
1. First know that regardless of which medical plan you are on all copays, deductibles, and coinsurance will be waived for tests and related visits including the visit to determine if you need the test. This will not run for ever, so you may wish to check with Anthem first.
2. Here is the CDC's website for COVID-19 information: CDCs COVID-19.
3. Anthem's COVID-19 Assessment Tool is called Sydney Care. It's a free app found in the App Store or Google Play. It's pretty cool. The COVID-19 Assessment is always free. Between now and an unspecificed date, you get one virtual care text session for free. Additional virtual care text sessions cost $19 each. There are also Video visits available. This may change. If in doubt, call Anthem.
3. Anthem's Live Health Online (LHO). All members will receive the first 12 visits for free and all visits for COVID-19 will be free through 6/14/2020. You can review the flyer below and access LHO here: LiveHealth Online.
4. 24/7 Nurse Line. Call 1.800.337.4770 day or night, any day of the week. Particularly great for mom's.
5. Don't forget our Broker, Chase Carey, welcomes calls and emails from you and/or your spouse. He is very experienced in benefits, insurance, and insurance companies. His business direct phone is 770.751.6460 but you can also reach him on his cell at 404.906.5490. Don't worry about evenings or weekends. If you need help, he will gladly help you. (ChaseCarey@CareyBenefits.com).
Everyone at GDS wishes you and your family the best of health during these times!